Whole Life Insurance: Pros and Cons

Also known as permanent insurance, whole life is the most commonly sold life insurance in the United States. Compared to term life insurance, where the policy is only active for a specific period – usually 10, 20, or 30 years. Whole life insurance costs more money than term life insurance, but this is because the death benefit never expires – as long as the premium is paid – and it includes a cash value component that can earn interest and grow in value over time. 

Advantages of whole life insurance include that it is permanent, predictable in that the beneficiaries know what amount of money they’ll receive, and includes tax benefits that defer any gains in interest. The savings portion can be borrowed against as a loan if needed. However, if you need to borrow against the loan, it is not without repercussions, including reducing the death benefit if it is not repaid before the policyholder passes. 

While there are numerous benefits to whole life insurance, it does come with a few disadvantages. For starters, whole life insurance is costlier than term life insurance because it includes an investment component and covers your entire life. Second, the insurance company has control over the cash value of your account and can invest it how they choose, so savvy investors who repeatedly beat market returns may not appreciate the limited control they have of this portion of their life insurance account.

At Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI, our friendly and knowledgeable team of insurance professionals is ready to help with your life insurance needs. Give us a call today to learn more information.

Why basic auto insurance isn’t always the right choice

Sometimes, as a driver who must have auto insurance, you debate whether it is worth the extra cost to have more than basic auto insurance. Not everyone is a good candidate for basic auto insurance. The first thing you need to know is that basic auto insurance coverage is 20/40/10. This is $20,000 for the first person injured, with a total for the entire accident of $40,000. The final $10,000 is for property damage. At Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI, we provide our customers with the customized service they want and deserve. 

If you have a car loan or leasing, you need to have additional insurance to protect the vehicle that the lender or lessor has an interest in. You will need to have collision and comprehensive insurance which covers the vehicle. You don’t have a choice. 

If you are like most people who own a car, you use it almost every day. It is hard to imagine your life if you didn’t have it available. How would you get to work if your car was damaged and didn’t have insurance to fix it? Would you be able to afford to pay for the repair yourself? If your answer is no,  you need to consider the insurance you need. 

Two types of coverage protect your vehicle. Collision will take care of any damage that has been done as a result of a collision. If you are the responsible party in an accident, if you have a one-car accident or your vehicle is hit by someone who runs, you will be able to get it repaired or replaced. 

Comprehensive insurance covers non-collision damage and theft. It will cover weather-related damage, vandalism, and damage to your glass. 

Contact Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI when you are looking for a no-obligation quote.

How commercial insurance can save a small business?

Small businesses are vulnerable to a great many risks. Many will fail in the first few years and by year 10, that number rises to 65%. By having the right commercial insurance, you can at least have a fighting chance of surviving. At Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI, we want to help your small business thrive, and we will take the time to get to know you and your business so that we make sure you have the protection you need.  

Commercial liability insurance is one type of insurance that every business needs to have. Getting sued is one way your business can be damaged beyond repair. Every year more than 30% of businesses are sued or threatened with a lawsuit. Losing a case can force your business into bankruptcy if you don’t have the money or assets to pay. Commercial liability insurance can mitigate the risk of a lawsuit and can even pay for your legal expenses. It can save your business from being forced to close. 

Commercial property insurance protects the property you need to do business. Even if you rent your space, it can save you by covering the things you need to do business, like your computers, office equipment, machinery, inventory, supplies, tools, and more. You can’t operate your business without the things you need to do business. 

Business interruption insurance can make sure that even though you can’t do business at the moment because of a covered hazard, you will still be able to pay your bills and your payroll until you can open your doors again. It makes the difference between surviving a hazard and being closed forever by a hazard. 

Contact Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI when you are ready to discuss your commercial insurance needs. Call us to make an appointment or drop in if you are in the neighborhood. 

Is Homeowner’s Insurance Required in Michigan?

Homeownership in the state of Michigan is a huge accomplishment! With the booming market and fantastic interest rates, it’s no surprise that many people are trying to get their dream homes. Once you’re in, one of the most essential items on your To-Do list should be your home insurance policy. 

Before you start buying furniture and painting the walls, make sure your home insurance policy is one that provides full coverage and will protect you from the variety of scenarios that can happen as a homeowner. 

Residents of Marshall, MI that are looking into home insurance should keep reading. Great Michigan Insurance is here to help you understand the ins and outs of home insurance and what a good policy will look like for you.  

From dangerous weather and natural disasters to vandalism or theft, an adequate policy will protect you financially from any harm or damage. We can’t predict what may happen to our homes. All we can do is take steps to ensure that we’re able to protect ourselves. 

It’s important to understand that your location and lifestyle can reflect what the best policy is for you. If you live in a high-flood area, investing in flood insurance may be a good choice. Home insurance not only covers the interior and exterior of your home, but it can also cover your personal belongings inside the home, along with other structures on your property. There are different coverage options for different needs. 

Marshall, MI is a fantastic place to own a home with your family. Great Michigan Insurance can help customize an insurance policy that will protect one of your greatest investments – your home. Contact us today; we’re here to help! 

When in a Lawsuit, Umbrella Insurance May Save Your Company

At Great Michigan Insurance, we suggest umbrella insurance to all our Marshall, MI business clients. Not enough of them take us up on that offer and end up going out of business. Thankfully, an umbrella insurance policy can minimize this risk and keep you making good money.

How Lawsuits Drive Companies Out of Business

When your company suffers from a lawsuit, there are a few things that could drive you out of business. Let’s take a look at a potentially real situation to give you an idea of what could happen:

  • You get sued for $100,000 and lose 
  • Your liability coverage maxes out at $50,000
  • You pay for the rest of the cost 
  • Your company struggles to pay bills 
  • Your employees start abandoning you 
  • Your business shuts down 

This situation is all too common with companies that don’t take the time to get an umbrella insurance policy. This surprisingly fairly priced option is fairly simple to understand with minimal challenge.

How Umbrella Policies May Help 

Umbrella insurance policies kick in when your normal liability is paid out. It typically works well for businesses with a high risk of lawsuits or those with a high capital range. For example, in the situation above, most umbrella policies would easily pay the $50,000 you needed to cover your lawsuit. 

In this situation, everyone is happy. The person suing you or who needs money due to your company’s mistakes is paid, and you can stay in business. That makes it essential to talk to your insurance company right away to learn more about your options.

Let Us Help You

As you can see, getting the high-quality insurance that you need is critical for your business’s continued operation. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Great Michigan Insurance to learn more. Our team can set your Marshall, MI company up with the policies that it needs to stay operational.

Is Condo Insurance Required in Michigan?

While condo insurance in Marshall, MI and the state is not required by law, it’s a great way to provide peace of mind on your investment. Great Michigan Insurance team is here to help with any questions or concerns you have about purchasing condo insurance. 

What Does Condo Insurance Cover?

Coverage can vary depending on the development and whether there is a condo owner’s association involved. Additionally, if you used a lender to secure a loan to purchase your condo, chances are good the lender will require condo insurance to protect the interior of the home. Typically, COA (condominium owner’s association) will cover damage or repairs to the exterior of the condo.  

So, the exterior of your condo is most likely covered. However, the condo insurance you purchase on top of that can provide protection for the belongings that you store inside the home. This includes personal property, computers and devices, furniture, appliances, and more. Should your belongings be stolen or damaged, condo insurance can cover these unfortunate situations. 

Whether you’ve purchased a condo for your primary residence or as an investment property, insurance is essential to protect this valuable investment. You may never need condo insurance, but having it will give you invaluable peace of mind. We can’t predict or plan for weather damage, burglaries, or natural disasters, but things happen and the best thing you can do is to be prepared. 

Failing to invest in condo insurance can result in financial ruin if you are forced to pay out of pocket for repairs or replacements in any unfortunate scenario. Condo insurance allows you to enjoy your home or investment property without the stress of worrying about what could happen.

Questions about condo insurance in Marshall, MI? Contact Great Michigan Insurance today!

What Should I Know About Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a topic that many don’t like talking about. Mainly because it’s a conversation that talks about one’s death. However, if you want to secure your financial future, it’s a topic worth discussing. You see, as you grow older, start businesses, and build families, it’s when you realize that a sound financial plan is crucial. And life insurance is all about finding comfort that money will be there to protect your loved ones if you are no more.

If that still sounds complicated, worry not. Great Michigan Insurance of Marshall, MI has prepared for you all you need to know about life insurance. Let’s explore. We promise it’s not that overwhelming.

There are different plans of life insurance

The different plans are available to you to choose a plan that best suits your needs. There are several, but the common ones are:

  • Term life insurance: Under this policy, you pay a low premium for a specified period, like 20 years. The insurance coverage ends after that period.
  • Permanent life insurance: Under this policy, you pay high premiums in the short term and accumulate cash value with time. The coverage will last as long as you pay your premium.

Life insurance is a sound financial plan

If you need a long-term solid financial plan, then life insurance is the real deal. Life insurance gives your loved one’s health, education, and happiness assurance when you are long gone.

Life insurance is not expensive as you think

Most people shun life insurance because they think it’s costly. The reality is that life insurance is fairly affordable, especially if young and healthy. Plus, given the numerous coverage options, there is always a plan for everyone.

Life insurance only comes through when you die

While life insurance takes care of your financial interest when you die, this is not always the case. When you invest in a whole life insurance policy, it accumulates a cash value that can supplement your retirement income when alive.

Life insurance in Marshall, MI

Ready for your life insurance policy? Contact Great Michigan Insurance for an affordable quote.

What Should You Know About Auto Insurance?

In the state of Michigan, every car owner is required to carry car insurance, meaning that driving without car insurance is illegal.  Therefore, it is important to get a proper car insurance policy before getting on the road. If you are currently shopping for insurance but do not know how to choose it, Great Michigan Insurance serving clients in Marshall, MI, and other surrounding towns, prepared a list of things you should know about it:

What Should You Know About Car Insurance?

  • There are certain factors that may affect the cost of your car insurance. They are your driving experience, your driving habits, deductibles you decided to choose, the car’s make and its model, your gender, location, and credit score. 
  • There is a difference between collision and comprehensive coverage. Over 68% of Americans believe that comprehensive and collision coverage is the same. Yes, they both are optional insurance, but there are some differences. Comprehensive coverage pays for the damage caused by an incident other than a road accident. It can be fire, theft, hail, flood, vandalism, and others. Collision coverage reimburses damage caused by a collision with another car or object. 
  • There are ways to save money on your car insurance. You can do it by raising your deductible, reducing optional insurance on your other car, taking a defensive driving course, and other methods.

Great Michigan Insurance – We Make Insurance Easy For You

Having car insurance is a must in Michigan – whether you live in Marshall, MI or any other surrounding town. Therefore, if you do not have a proper policy, it is the right time to get it. Great Michigan Insurance is ready to help you find a perfect policy that fits your needs and budget. Do not hesitate to give us a call to get more information. 

How Does Commercial Insurance Protect Small Business Owners in Marshall, MI?

If you are a small business owner in Marshall, MI it’s vital to comprehend the Michigan business requirements. Initiating a small business enterprise in Marshall, MI might be confusing due to impending risks. Nevertheless, procuring magnificent commercial insurance from Great Michigan Insurance will safeguard your profits as your small business is thriving. Opting to operate a business without insurance can culminate in a substantial financial burden. It can expose your business’s future to risk—link with our charismatic agents at Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI today. We customize insurance plans forged to match your small business insurance needs and lifestyle.

Is commercial insurance mandatory in Michigan?

Commercial insurance is not mandatory in Michigan. Nevertheless, the law requires every business venture with employees, seasonal or permanent, to maintain workers’ comp insurance to cater to medical expenses for sustained work-related injuries and general illness. Other beneficial optional coverages for the protection of small businesses in Marshall, MI includes:

General liability coverage: It guards your small business against third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage. It’s tailored to cater to the general medical expenses and associated legal fees for lawsuits.

Commercial property insurance: Helps safeguard your commercial properties such as rented buildings, furniture and equipment from perils like theft, fire or any other covered calamity.

Workers’ compensation insurance: Michigan law demands businesses with workers maintain workers’ comp insurance. Without workers’ comp insurance, damages arising from injury-related cases can culminate into thousands of dollars. This policy covers expenses related to an employee’s injuries sustained and illnesses suffered while working on your premises.

Business owners policy(BOP): It bundles property and liability coverage into one uncomplicated, manageable policy. It’s an ultimate option fitting small businesses that rent or own commercial property like warehouses and office buildings. 

Get your commercial insurance.

If your small business in Marshall, MI needs commercial insurance, call or visit us at Great Michigan Insurance. Our dedicated agents will answer all your queries about commercial insurance.

Common Home Insurance Mistakes to Avoid in Michigan

When you are shopping for home insurance in Michigan, you have a lot on your mind that you want to protect. You may not be required to get home insurance if you own your home outright, however your lender may ask that you have home insurance. Even without a mortgage, you will still have valuables to protect against financial losses.

Just as every home in Marshall, MI is unique, so too are their home insurance policies. Before you become overwhelmed with the fine print, let Great Michigan Insurance help you avoid the most common home insurance mistakes.

Protect Yourself Completely

Among the most common home insurance mistakes is not insuring your home enough. Because home insurance is not required, and has no state minimum requirements, does not mean you should get a skeleton policy for the sake of having coverage.

Insurance is designed to help you sleep better at night. You need the right amount of liability coverage, and property damage coverage. If you don’t know what your potential risks are, we can help.

Don’t Let Price Guide You

The price of your home insurance policy is certainly on your mind when you are making the budget. You don’t want it to be the only deciding factor when selecting home insurance. Not having enough coverage will cost you more in the long run.

You can select the right home insurance with the right deductibles, and still feel covered and protected with your home insurance.

Get a Quote From an Agent

There is nothing wrong with purchasing insurance online, but it may not save you money and time in the long run. Your Marshall, MI home is your dream, and something you have been working hard for your entire life. An agent can help you to clearly understand the risks, and how to protect yourself from them. Call Great Michigan Insurance today for a quote on home insurance. You’ll see what peace of mind feels like.