Protect Your Loved Ones Future with Life Insurance

Have you thought about what would happen to your family if something happened to you? Would they be financially secure? The Great Michigan Insurance of Marshall, MI can provide life insurance to protect your family.

What is life insurance? It is a contract between the insurance company and a policyholder, where the insurance company promises to pay the designated beneficiary an amount of money upon the insured’s death. Based on the contract, terminal or critical illness could also force payment.

Life insurance protects your beneficiaries from the potentially disastrous financial losses that could result if the unmentionable happened. It would provide financial security, help to pay living expenses, pay off debt, and help to pay any medical costs or final expenses.

There are three types of life insurance:

  • Term life insurance is a simple form of life insurance. A premium is paid for a period of time, usually ten to thirty years. A cash benefit is paid to the beneficiary if death occurs during that time.
  • Whole life insurance is a policy that is guaranteed to remain in effect for the insured’s lifetime as long as the premiums are paid or to the policy’s maturity date.
  • Universal life insurance is permanent life insurance. The insured person is covered for their entire lifetime.

You typically pay much less for insurance at a young age. If you wait until age 40 or even 60, the price increases. As we age, the risk of developing health conditions increases, which could result in higher life insurance rates.

So don’t jeopardize the financial future of your loved ones. Make sure you have enough life insurance to ensure they can live as before you passed. The insurance professionals at Great Michigan Insurance of Marshall, MI can provide a quote or answer any questions you may have to get you started. Contact our team today.

Does auto insurance cover a rental car?

Vacations have been on hold for a few years, and it is finally time to get out and do those things that have been on your bucket list. Choose your hotels, book your flights and then get your reservation for a rental car. That is where the stress starts.

At Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI, we are independent insurance agents who strive to educate our customers about auto insurance. We offer choices from the many carriers we have that will give you the highest level of service, coverage, and value. 

When booking your reservation online, you will need to put in your dates, the pick-up and drop-off locations, and your car type. That is the easy part. Now you need to start answering the insurance questions. It is tempting just to say yes and take the insurance that the car rental company offers, but it can double the price of your rental. Think of all the fun things you can do with that money if you don’t have to use it on insurance. The only destinations you can use your auto insurance are the US and Canada. 

Whether your auto insurance policy will cover a rental car depends on your coverage. If you have chosen to go with basic coverage, that is liability only. While that is necessary, it isn’t going to satisfy the rental car company. You need to protect their vehicle. To do that, you need full coverage, including collision and comprehensive coverage. You will, however, have to pay your standard deductible. 

You should also check the credit card that you plan to use for the rental. Many credit cards provide car rental coverage as one of their perks. 

Contact Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI, when you have questions about your auto insurance coverage. 

How to Decide on Commercial Insurance Policies in Michigan

There’s a lot to consider for commercial insurance policies in Marshall, MI. Where is your business located? What type of business do you have? How many employees do you have? These factors play a role in deciding which commercial insurance policy is right for your business.

To help you make the best decision for your business, we’ve put together a list of things to consider when choosing commercial insurance policies in Marshall, MI:

Type of business:

This determines the type of coverage you need. For example, if you have a manufacturing business, you’ll need different coverage than a retail business.

Location of business:

This is important because it will determine your business’ risks. If you’re in a high-crime area, you’ll need different coverage than in a rural area.

Size of business:

This affects the amount of coverage you need. A more significant business will need more coverage than a smaller business.

The number of employees:

This will also determine the amount of coverage you need. The more employees you have, the more coverage you’ll need.

Great Michigan Insurance can help you determine your business’s best commercial insurance policy.

Standard Commercial Insurance Policies

Now that you know what to consider when choosing commercial insurance policies in Marshall, MI, here are some of the most common types of coverage:

Property insurance:

This type of coverage protects your business property from damage or theft.

Liability insurance:

This type of coverage protects your business from lawsuits.

Workers’ compensation insurance:

This type of coverage protects your employees if they’re injured on the job.

Product liability insurance:

This coverage protects your business from lawsuits if a product you sell causes injury or damage.

Business interruption insurance:

This coverage protects your business if it has to stop operations because of a covered event.

Great Michigan Insurance can help you find the right commercial insurance policy for your business. Call us today.

How Often Should I Review My Home Insurance Policy?

Your home is one of your most significant investments. That’s why it’s essential to have the right home insurance policy. But even if you have the perfect policy, it’s still important to review it regularly. This blog post will discuss how often you should review your home insurance policy and what factors you should consider when making that decision.

When You Make Changes to Your Home

If you’ve made any changes to your home, it’s important to review your insurance policy to ensure you have the right coverage. For example, if you’ve remodeled your kitchen or added a new addition to your home, your insurance policy should reflect those changes.

Additionally, if you’ve made any changes to your home that could impact your risk of a loss, such as installing a new roof or security system, be sure to let your insurance company know. They may be able to offer you a discount on your premium.

If You Bring Valuables into Your Home

If you’ve moved any valuables into your homes, such as jewelry, art, or collectibles, you’ll want to ensure those items are adequately insured. Your standard home insurance policy may limit how much coverage is provided for these items.

If you plan on getting a significant amount of valuable items in your home, you may need to purchase an additional insurance policy to ensure they’re fully protected. If you’re in Marshall, MI, talk to your Great Michigan Insurance agent about the best way to insure your valuables.

Once a Year

Even if you haven’t made any changes to your home or brought in new valuables, reviewing your insurance policy at least once a year is still a good idea. This will help you ensure you have the right coverage and that your premium is still in line with the market rates.


Regularly reviewing your home insurance policy is the best way to ensure you have the right coverage. By reviewing your policy, you can be confident that you and your home are adequately protected.

If you have questions about your home insurance policy or want a quote, talk to us at Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI. Our team of experienced agents is always happy to help.

Umbrella Insurance: How To Protect Your Assets From The Unexpected

No one ever expects terrible things to happen. But they do, often without warning. That’s why insurance is crucial – to help protect you and your loved ones from the unexpected. One type of insurance that is often overlooked is umbrella insurance. Umbrella insurance provides extra protection in case something happens that your other policies don’t cover. Umbrella insurance can help you protect your assets from the unexpected.

1. It Can Provide Coverage for Libel and Slander

One of the most common ways umbrella insurance is used is to provide coverage for libel and slander. If you are accused of either of these, your umbrella policy can help cover the costs of defending yourself and any damages that may be awarded. In addition, libel and slander are not typically covered by standard homeowners or auto insurance policies.

2. It Can Provide Coverage for Certain Types of Lawsuits

Another common way umbrella insurance provides coverage for certain types of lawsuits. If you are sued for something not covered by your other policies, your umbrella policy can help pay for the costs of defending yourself. Medical bills. Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI can help you get the coverage you need to protect your assets from the unexpected.

3. It Can Provide Coverage for Certain Types of Accidents

Umbrella insurance can also help protect you from certain types of accidents. For example, if you are involved in a car accident, and it is determined that you are at fault, your umbrella policy can help pay for the other driver’s damages up to your policy limit. In addition, if you are sued due to the accident, your umbrella policy can help pay for your legal fees.

Contact Us

Umbrella insurance is a type of insurance that can provide extra protection in case something happens that your other policies don’t cover. It can help protect you from libel and slander, certain types of lawsuits, and accidents. Contact Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI to get the coverage you need to protect your assets from the unexpected.

Things condo insurance won’t cover

Condos are a great way to break into the housing market in Marshall, MI. A condo certainly is a home, but condo insurance is not the same as home insurance. Knowing what is covered and, more importantly, what isn’t covered, is vital for your peace of mind and protection. At Great Michigan Insurance, we have a team of agents who know condo insurance and can help ensure that you have the coverage you need.

The exterior of your condo

Your condo insurance does not cover the exterior of your condo. That is covered by the master policy that your condo association carries on the complex. How far it covers the building differs from policy to policy. It is vital that you read your policy from the association so that you have the right coverage when you purchase your personal condo insurance. 

Termite damage

Termite damage is considered owner neglect, and depending on how deep into the building the condo association policy goes, they may be responsible. This is another thing you need to double-check to make sure if you should be doing the termite treatment. 


Floods are not covered by condo insurance. If you live in an area where there is the potential for a body of water to flood your unit, you should have additional flood insurance through the NFIP. 

Earth movement

Your condo insurance policy does not cover any earth movement. That includes not only earthquakes but also sinkholes, mudslides, and landslides. As long as the earth is moving, it isn’t covered. 

Sewer backup

If your sewer backs up into your unit, it will cause a very disgusting mess, and even more upsetting is that your condo insurance won’t cover it. 

Contact Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI to get the condo insurance coverage that your home requires.

Whole Life Insurance: Pros and Cons

Also known as permanent insurance, whole life is the most commonly sold life insurance in the United States. Compared to term life insurance, where the policy is only active for a specific period – usually 10, 20, or 30 years. Whole life insurance costs more money than term life insurance, but this is because the death benefit never expires – as long as the premium is paid – and it includes a cash value component that can earn interest and grow in value over time. 

Advantages of whole life insurance include that it is permanent, predictable in that the beneficiaries know what amount of money they’ll receive, and includes tax benefits that defer any gains in interest. The savings portion can be borrowed against as a loan if needed. However, if you need to borrow against the loan, it is not without repercussions, including reducing the death benefit if it is not repaid before the policyholder passes. 

While there are numerous benefits to whole life insurance, it does come with a few disadvantages. For starters, whole life insurance is costlier than term life insurance because it includes an investment component and covers your entire life. Second, the insurance company has control over the cash value of your account and can invest it how they choose, so savvy investors who repeatedly beat market returns may not appreciate the limited control they have of this portion of their life insurance account.

At Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI, our friendly and knowledgeable team of insurance professionals is ready to help with your life insurance needs. Give us a call today to learn more information.

Why basic auto insurance isn’t always the right choice

Sometimes, as a driver who must have auto insurance, you debate whether it is worth the extra cost to have more than basic auto insurance. Not everyone is a good candidate for basic auto insurance. The first thing you need to know is that basic auto insurance coverage is 20/40/10. This is $20,000 for the first person injured, with a total for the entire accident of $40,000. The final $10,000 is for property damage. At Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI, we provide our customers with the customized service they want and deserve. 

If you have a car loan or leasing, you need to have additional insurance to protect the vehicle that the lender or lessor has an interest in. You will need to have collision and comprehensive insurance which covers the vehicle. You don’t have a choice. 

If you are like most people who own a car, you use it almost every day. It is hard to imagine your life if you didn’t have it available. How would you get to work if your car was damaged and didn’t have insurance to fix it? Would you be able to afford to pay for the repair yourself? If your answer is no,  you need to consider the insurance you need. 

Two types of coverage protect your vehicle. Collision will take care of any damage that has been done as a result of a collision. If you are the responsible party in an accident, if you have a one-car accident or your vehicle is hit by someone who runs, you will be able to get it repaired or replaced. 

Comprehensive insurance covers non-collision damage and theft. It will cover weather-related damage, vandalism, and damage to your glass. 

Contact Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI when you are looking for a no-obligation quote.

How commercial insurance can save a small business?

Small businesses are vulnerable to a great many risks. Many will fail in the first few years and by year 10, that number rises to 65%. By having the right commercial insurance, you can at least have a fighting chance of surviving. At Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI, we want to help your small business thrive, and we will take the time to get to know you and your business so that we make sure you have the protection you need.  

Commercial liability insurance is one type of insurance that every business needs to have. Getting sued is one way your business can be damaged beyond repair. Every year more than 30% of businesses are sued or threatened with a lawsuit. Losing a case can force your business into bankruptcy if you don’t have the money or assets to pay. Commercial liability insurance can mitigate the risk of a lawsuit and can even pay for your legal expenses. It can save your business from being forced to close. 

Commercial property insurance protects the property you need to do business. Even if you rent your space, it can save you by covering the things you need to do business, like your computers, office equipment, machinery, inventory, supplies, tools, and more. You can’t operate your business without the things you need to do business. 

Business interruption insurance can make sure that even though you can’t do business at the moment because of a covered hazard, you will still be able to pay your bills and your payroll until you can open your doors again. It makes the difference between surviving a hazard and being closed forever by a hazard. 

Contact Great Michigan Insurance in Marshall, MI when you are ready to discuss your commercial insurance needs. Call us to make an appointment or drop in if you are in the neighborhood. 

Is Homeowner’s Insurance Required in Michigan?

Homeownership in the state of Michigan is a huge accomplishment! With the booming market and fantastic interest rates, it’s no surprise that many people are trying to get their dream homes. Once you’re in, one of the most essential items on your To-Do list should be your home insurance policy. 

Before you start buying furniture and painting the walls, make sure your home insurance policy is one that provides full coverage and will protect you from the variety of scenarios that can happen as a homeowner. 

Residents of Marshall, MI that are looking into home insurance should keep reading. Great Michigan Insurance is here to help you understand the ins and outs of home insurance and what a good policy will look like for you.  

From dangerous weather and natural disasters to vandalism or theft, an adequate policy will protect you financially from any harm or damage. We can’t predict what may happen to our homes. All we can do is take steps to ensure that we’re able to protect ourselves. 

It’s important to understand that your location and lifestyle can reflect what the best policy is for you. If you live in a high-flood area, investing in flood insurance may be a good choice. Home insurance not only covers the interior and exterior of your home, but it can also cover your personal belongings inside the home, along with other structures on your property. There are different coverage options for different needs. 

Marshall, MI is a fantastic place to own a home with your family. Great Michigan Insurance can help customize an insurance policy that will protect one of your greatest investments – your home. Contact us today; we’re here to help!